Sunday, March 31, 2013

Night in the PICU

This night, Hudson needed to be checked every hour.  Jackson tried to sleep in the chair, and I climbed in bed with Hudson.  I went to sleep at midnight and tried to sleep until 3 in the morning.  In that amount of time, he threw up on me 3 times and was woken up every hour to check vitals.  The crazy thing about this is, I felt as though I had slept a good long night.  (another thing I would consider a tender mercy)  Although I couldn't get the sleep I needed, I was given the feeling of rest and strength.
I know that sometimes Heavenly Father doesn't take the trial from us, but we are given the strength and capacity to get through it.
 Hudson would cry for water, but all we could give him was a tiny sponge with a little water on it about once every hour.  It was hard to see him so miserable.  At this time, he would cry and moan, but he was sweet and quiet.  I woke up with him at 3 AM and we read together.  I showed him books and talked with him.  He wanted to color out at the table, but he was connected to many chords and his neck brace made it hard to look down.  He also had things taped to his fingers so he couldn't hold crayons.  We pulled a lap table over, but he couldn't color.  This upset him, but he was able to do a sticker book with me.  This was a very special time with him.  His voice was raspy and soft and he didn't smile yet, but he was tender and sweet.  I don't want to forget this time with him.

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