Here are pictures of the toys that our close friends were able to bring, giving us some distraciton from his misery.
When Tessa came in I didn't feel strong enough to go back, but knew I needed to. I said good bye to my sister's and thought to myself; I don't know how I am going to make it through the rest of today, let alone the next ten minutes.
When I was saying good bye to my sisters, a good friend of ours came in to the waiting room. He had tears coming down his face and two large baskets full of items. He said, "I heard your little boy in there and didn't want to impose, but I know Jackson is in there with him, will you let him know I came?" He had gotten a glimpse of what we were going through, it was so disturbing it would bring anyone to tears.
We hugged, I thanked him and took the baskets, then headed down the hall to re-enter the room. As I came up to the room Jackson was sitting by the bed and he motioned for me to not come in, because I may disturb them. He was doing...okay. At least not freaking out. I debated whether to let him throw fits while not being disturbed, in hopes that he would fall asleep. Or go in and distract him from his misery. (almost impossible to do) I decided to try and show him these cool baskets full of stuff. I walked in and said, "Hudson, look what your friends brought!" It got his attention. He was able to sit and be distracted by all this stuff we were able to go through and look at. These baskets again gave us a moment of release from this hard time.
He was still throwing up, still crying and still trying to rip his neck brace off. Specialists would come in to try and give him the test that he had to pass in order to get it off. He didn't seem close. He would cry in pain when they would touch certain areas and he couldn't turn his head to the right. Sometimes they came in when he was in a fit and unable to even reason with him so he couldn't try and pass the test. Other times he just flat out didn't pass. Once he tried saying all the right things so he could get it off, like "no that doesn't hurt" While wincing in pain.
This day just carried such a heavy feeling about it. I remember leaning over the bed while he tossed and turned, moaning and groaning. This is when Jackson's boss and wife arrived. We have become great friends. It was so kind of them to show up. They could see we were struggling so they stayed in the hall and didn't stay long, but they gave a present to Hudson, and gave him one to give to Korv and Oaklie. Again, these presents gave us a little more time for distraction. We went through them, played with them and talked about how much fun it will be to give them to his siblings.
He continued to be miserable, I had more moments when I had to just walk out of the room and leave. One time I left for a little while, but when I came back the feeling of peace and comfort was so undeniably strong I could physically feel the difference. I walked in to a quiet, peaceful room. I turned to Jackson and asked what happened. He said he just calmed down, so they came in and gave him the neck brace test and he PASSED. This was huge, it had been such a great source of discomfort. It had seemed impossible that he would pass. I did not know how and why this change of events was so drastic, what changed?
He continued to be miserable, I had more moments when I had to just walk out of the room and leave. One time I left for a little while, but when I came back the feeling of peace and comfort was so undeniably strong I could physically feel the difference. I walked in to a quiet, peaceful room. I turned to Jackson and asked what happened. He said he just calmed down, so they came in and gave him the neck brace test and he PASSED. This was huge, it had been such a great source of discomfort. It had seemed impossible that he would pass. I did not know how and why this change of events was so drastic, what changed?
I texted my mom, elated..."mom he is CALM." Then a moment later, "mom, he got his neck brace off!!!" Jackson and I had large smiles on our faces that we couldn't remove. It wasn't just that he was calm or just that his neck brace was off, there was a feeling that you can't get any other way, but through the spirit. The spirit was so strong and present and it's what I had been wanting and searching for, it had finally come.
I had no concept of time, but my mom made me aware that at the same time I was sending texts letting her know Hudson is doing remarkable, she was receiving texts from each of my siblings saying, "I just broke my fast". It was 5:00 PM
The power of fast is REAL, I have an even stronger testimony of it through this experience. I am so thankful for that tool that we are given from our Heavenly Father.
I had no concept of time, but my mom made me aware that at the same time I was sending texts letting her know Hudson is doing remarkable, she was receiving texts from each of my siblings saying, "I just broke my fast". It was 5:00 PM
The power of fast is REAL, I have an even stronger testimony of it through this experience. I am so thankful for that tool that we are given from our Heavenly Father.
This was an incredible experince, to see the power of fasting.

Jordy came to hang out with him. This is when he had just calmed down enough for them to come in and do the tests to get his neck brace off.

Finally, our first SMILE!! That brought Jackson and I soo much joy. Just that sweet smile meant the world to us.
"Fasting is a principle of power. It changes lives.
As we better understand and use this tool as Father in Heaven intended, it will change our lives. We will then be able to go to the Lord in confidence and call down the powers of heaven."
Jordy came to hang out with him. This is when he had just calmed down enough for them to come in and do the tests to get his neck brace off.

Finally, our first SMILE!! That brought Jackson and I soo much joy. Just that sweet smile meant the world to us.
"Fasting is a principle of power. It changes lives.
Fasting invites enlightenment and the companionship of the Holy Ghost.....
As we better understand and use this tool as Father in Heaven intended, it will change our lives. We will then be able to go to the Lord in confidence and call down the powers of heaven."